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Small Town, New Jersey (originally Nebraska), United States
Born in Nebraska-Heart and Soul, Living in New Jersey due to career, always looking for hunting opportunities out of the normal realm

Friday, September 11, 2009

September is here

It's September 11th, 2009. As with any solid soldier I lowered my head in Prayer and Remembrance for the victims of terrorism in 2001. Being retired Army I find a special place in the solice of that moment. May God Bless the families of those lost, the firefighters/police and medic's that lived through the tragedy only to remember what they saw, and may he reign down heavily on those who would knowingly attack Innocent women and children.

On my ride home yesterday I saw a corn field about a mile from my house that has turned completely yellow and is ready for harvest. Yes, September is here! There is a 9 acre field of corn across the street from my house that is showing signs of turning however only the ends of the leaves have turned to the yellow that I so long for in the spring. Yes, September is here and for only the second time in the history of my hunting am I prepared for the upcoming season, I know where I'm going and what I'm doing. Usually it's this time of year when I find myself scrambling not only to find a place to hunt but also someone to hunt with. I can hardly stand the peace I feel inside this September knowing that I'm not behind the 8 ball.

Although I reside in New Jersey by chance and not by choice I still feel the calling of a mid-western fall hunt. Growing up it was not unusual for me to ride back roads on my way to and from school hunting pheasants, coyotes, quail, ducks, geese and sometimes: deer. It's no wonder that I wasn't a very good student, I think our summer break should have been in Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec. What self-respecting Nebraskan would give two hoots about June, July and Aug. Crops are planted, irrigation is nearing it's end and harvest isn't for a couple of months. If only I ruled the world!

Well it's 2009 and as I look back on missed opportunities, years not hunted and my Father who passed away in Nov of 2001 I can hardly hold the tears back. This time of year holds something near and dear to me and that's a fact. I am a mid-western boy, raised in a small town of 200 or so people, I spent time playing baseball, working on farms and ranches and hunting and fishing only to grow up longing to be back there. It's so: On November 13th, yes-Friday the 13th, I'll once again cross the western Iowa border heading into Nebraska for a fall rifle hunt. Long time friends and a simple life somehow settle all that has become of my life. It's not the same as when I was growing up, but close enough.

This fall is a bit different for me, I'm traveling with a friend and hunting buddy who for the first time shared a hunt in Nebraska with me last fall. Although neither filled tags during our trip it couldn't have been more successful! I took three of my friends out there and it proved to be quite a task keeping everyone afield and in reasonable areas. We managed with the help of my school chums and 2 of the 4 of us tagged deer, small deer but deer none the less.

This year it's just Rich and I and I'm really looking forward to nine full days of wondering aimlessly in the Nebraska Sand Hills and river bottoms not knowing what the next moment may bring. The simplicity of hunting in Nebraska never ceases to amaze me, we showed up in the latest and greatest camo worn from head to toe and my local friends showed up in CarHart overalls...lol. It was good to see Charlie and Ben again, it had been a long time coming!

Yes, it's September again and all of the hunting stores are putting out and working to sell this years newest and best camo patterns. That's what I'd like to talk about today. Every time I pick something up from the store its: new and improved! Makes me wonder first: what about last years new and improved and second: Why didn't you just do it right the first time? Is there really a company out there that spends all year working on ways to improve toothpaste? I'll admit that tongue in cheek, I have just about every style of camo that came to the marketplace in one form or another. I take so many different patterns when I travel hunt I can hardly get all of my bags in the truck. I have dark green, brown, wool, snow, urban, desert, cornfield, leafy and the list goes on. There's something that amazes me about camo, they all stick out! I have yet to lose sight of another hunter because of his camo, until last year. I'll back up a bit and say that about 10 years ago when Advantage camo came out a friend of mine wore it during an upstate PA Archery hunt. He was sitting in a tree about 75 yards from me across a small creek bottom and I couldn't see him at all: until he moved! I was pretty impressed that he had actually blended into the backdrop and disappeared at that distance. That got me thinking, I did hours and hours of research over the last several years on camo patterns by looking at the advertisements and I've noted something that I think to be true. Every picture that I saw used in some shape or form, shade or direct sun! In many of the pictures I believe that I would have lost the person in blue jeans and a white tank top! That being said I'd like to say this: In direct sun, partial or full shade, sand hills or evergreens, snow or tree tops, is there any single camo out there that performs better than ASAT-All Season, All Terrain pattern? I think not! last fall my 3 friends took a long walk down a sand hills valley in search of a whitetail and as they headed down the hill two walked the ridges and one walked the valley. Three different camo patterns, all terrains and sunlight conditions and only one seemed to blend in: Rich in his ASAT.

Although the fluorescent orange gave him away it was uncanny how that simple pattern just seems to blend in to it's surroundings no matter what they may be. I've revisited the hunts that I've been on from Saskatchewan to Texas and the times of year that I hunted from early fall to late season and I don't have a single camo pattern other than ASAT that I could have worn on everyone of those hunts. Here's the down side though: they are a bit more expensive than some brands, they are limited as to what you can buy (no more coveralls, just bibs) and they are made in the PRC-Peoples Republic of China. Another company that I'd like to see come back home!

There are however some very tasteful options with ASAT, take a look at http://www.dayonecamouflage.com/ they have some very good options such as wind sheer, etc. They also take your measurements and custom make the clothing. They aren't inexpensive but they are the best of the best! When I think of all the money that I've spent on camo clothing I could have easily just purchased a full set of everything ASAT from Day One and hunted anywhere, anytime. I'm not opposed to any other camo pattern, I just think that ASAT is the best available on the market today. But then, that's just my opinion. Happy Hunting and remember: It is September! Kevo

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