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Small Town, New Jersey (originally Nebraska), United States
Born in Nebraska-Heart and Soul, Living in New Jersey due to career, always looking for hunting opportunities out of the normal realm

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Security in the Sense of the Familiar

There's truly little that can be said to someone in pain that can or will wash it away. There's Love in the gesture however little or no relief. I find great discomfort in not having the words to share with a friend in a time of need. It's times like these that we once again find that we are not in charge nor do we have all of the answers to life. Situations arise that cause us to just want to collapse in the hopes that the loss will just go away. I find that my true sustainable growth has come in and from bad situations. If life were easy, we'd all live it to the fullest without regret.

It was a cool November evening, the sun had not set yet but it was bending at the knees. Atop a sand hill finger looking to the west there was a moment of silence. the breeze was light and the area was barren of trees and shrubs with only rye grass for as far as the eye can see. In the distance; a valley, in the valley; a river, not just any river, it was the South Platte River. Clouds had set in drawing a sharp line across the sky, between the clouds and river bottom lay one of the bluest skies I've ever seen.

I was standing next to three of my Pennsylvania friends, their first trip to Nebraska, the place of my very existence to me. A moment of awe, to say the least. And for that moment, all troubles were lost, all goals forgotten, and an air of thankfulness surrounds.

I wonder sometimes just how much control I have over my life. Little things pass me by, best laid plans altered in an instant, directions changed in a moments eye. I spend months and recall years of experience prior to a trip out west, yet it never turns out as I plan it too. there's sometimes comfort in the idea of a greater being and a plan that I am a part of. It's hard to recede into the crowd and hold my place whence all I feel is the drive to lead and be up front. I often forget that it's not my plan.

Atop the sand hill that day stood four grown men, all with families, two retired military, all with professions and none with an answer as to why that moment was shared that day between us. In times of need and sorrow there is found; "Security in the Sense of the Familiar". Being in our homes, driving our cars, being with loved ones, going about our routines puts us back in the plan that we are living and take us out of our own way. The only way to travel hard times is to travel them: There's no going around them!

Hunting is a place where I find comfort with all things aligned. An escape if you will from all that is in the plan I'm living. There's security there, in that field, in that moment, in that place. We've all shared that experience at one time or another. I say "Let it Be", let the moments be what they are, an opportunity to somehow share a moment with the one that has the plan, be a spectator just for a moment and know that; "everything is exactly like it is suppose to be at that moment". It doesn't make it easier, it just makes it make sense!

Hunting has become a place of security to me, a "time out" if you will. A place to reflect not of what I've lost but what I shared prior to the loss. My father will be remembered for what he did in my presence. Time shared, things said! I miss him; he was a place of security to me!

Each year I venture back in time to a place that is familiar to my soul. A place that was part of the plan laid out for me, a place that only I can feel and understand as it happens within me and not around me. In a barren field laced with crevasses and barbed wired fences, alone on top of the world it all seems to make sense to me.

We all have a similar place whether it be under a city high rise or a cottonwood tree, there's a place for each of us. Our troubles of the day will be minimized, thoughts will seem to align and the view will be clearer. Yes: There is "Security in the Sense of the Familiar".

There are troubled times tonight, a friend in need, a shared pain. When a best friend hurts we all hurt. Nothing I can say will make anything better and the best I can do is see too it that he gets to his familiar place: Afield! And see to it I will!

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